While we make every effort to supply you with the container that you need we cannot be responsible for determining which container is appropriate for your materials. It is the customer's responsibility to be sure that the material that they plan to put inside of the container is compatible with the container requested. Contact us for further information. When you fill a U.N. regulated drum for transport, the U.S. Dept. of Transportation requires that it be sealed up according to specific torque requirements for it's respective closures (bungs and bolt rings). You can find more information on this page. All used, empty containers that we receive must be drip-empty, securely sealed, and have excess residue wiped off. A company representative is required to sign an empty drum certification for all used, empty containers that we receive. You can learn more by clicking here. Containers that had previously contained an acutely hazardous product must be rinsed or cleaned to meet certain EPA standards before we can accept them. Find out more on this page. Our employees whom pick-up or accept used empty containers are not allowed to empty residue from containers, nor are they allowed to put bungs in or to put lids on used drums. These things must be done prior to us picking-up or receiving the containers.